McMillan Memorial Fountain Dedication, September 12, 1905. Remarks by Andrew Langdon.
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen – On behalf of the many friends and admirers of the late William McMillan, to whose memory we today dedicate this beautiful fountain, where both man and beast may be refreshed with God’s pure water, let us ever remember that no memorial is more beautiful, no tribute more lasting, no lesson better both for us and those who may come after, than the lovely surroundings of nature, radiant with life and beauty encircling this spot, which was first improved and beautified by the hand and brain of Buffalo’s first superintendent of parks.
The marking and embellishing of the parks of Buffalo were his practical life-work and chief achievement, his labor of love and pride, and they will ever remain an honored monument to commemorate his devoted public service for generations yet unborn. His sterling worth, unswerving honesty and fidelity to every trust imposed upon him is a lasting example to every public official, so that in future years citizens of Buffalo and others may look at it with pride and say of him: “An honest man’s the noblest work of God.” Others may labor and do good service on this beautiful park, but it is to his hand and head and heart we owe the uniform beauty and faultlessness of its surroundings. Every day some new light, some new beauty, something of interest may be seen by the visitor or citizen visiting our parks which calls to mind the faithful work of Mr. McMillan.