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A few words about Olmsted In Buffalo

Olmsted in Buffalo has been present on the internet since 1996, and will be celebrating 25 years providing historical information about Buffalo’s Olmsted parks system this coming August. It first was hosted on the old hosting service, and later moved to its own web domain. It is the oldest website focused on the Buffalo Parks and Parkways system, its relationship with Frederick Law Olmsted and his firm, and its historic development.

In 2012, the site was migrated to the WordPress authoring platform at the current address, maintaining in an updated format the original goal of a simple and uncluttered appearance of the original. A mobile version, cutting edge for the time, was put in place. More parks images had been added, and we provided a considerable expansion over what the older version of the site format was able to display.

We worked through some web hosting issues and a change both of residence and emplyment for the author in late 2016, but with a new hosting provider in place and the dust settled, a complete refresh and further content expansion was completed. In 2021, we have again shifted to a new hosting provider, and look forward to adding still more content and considerable historic and current imagery in time for our silver jubilee.

For those not award, Olmsted in Buffalo is the personal endeavor of the author and it is provided for the benefit of the community. It is not affiliated with, nor sponsored by, any individual, organization, business, or governmental entity, nor is the author compensated or reimbursed for his work. All contents, unless specifically noted otherwise, are copyrighted by Stanton M. Broderick.